Sunday, November 29, 2015

Fundoshi Rehash 18 - Black Voile Squared Part 2

The original photos today's rehash is based on can be found here and here. For the first rehash of this shoot, I pumped up the exposure and saturations a bit.  For this set of extra photos, I took a similar idea, but in black and white.

fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku

Starting with the original, I simply placed a black and white filter, then played a bit with the screens used in the filter. I ultimately increased the filter based on the red and green screens. 
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku

Once that was done, I played a bit with the shadow areas using the curves filter and the highlights and shadows. I then played a bit with the black point and recovery filters to add back some of the lost detail. 
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku


fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku

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