Sunday, October 29, 2017

Fundoshi Rehash 48 - Grey Voile Take 2

And today brings us to extra photos from the shoot of a grey voile fundoshi which can be seen here.

For this set, I wanted to get a good black and white take on the photos.
fundoshi rokushaku
From the starting point above, I took the exposure down a bit and increased the black point.
fundoshi rokushaku
Next up was to apply the black and white filter. Some post-processing programs allow you to play with the amount of black and white transition based on the red, green and blue channels in the photo. After playing around for a bit, I landed on decreasing the blue channel and increasing the green one. This left me the look below. 
fundoshi rokushaku
 The photo was still a bit 'soft', so I applied an edge sharpen filter and was then satisfied!
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Fundoshi Rehash 47 - Burgundy Gauze Take Two

Another rehash of extra fundoshi photos. This time from the burgundy gauze shoot. You can see the original 'up close and personal' set here. Below is how the photos appeared.

For the first set of adjustments, I played mostly with the white balance. As you can see, I increased the blues a bunch, making the picture a bit cooler. I also increased the black point a bit. this was done to retain some darkness for the next step I would be taking.

Using a levels filter, I then pushed the colors and brightness to an extreme. If I didn't increase the black point, this step would have resulted in reduced detail of my body hair, but more importantly, the texture of the fundoshi.
fundoshi rokushaku 
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fundoshi Rehash 46 - Purple Gauze Take 2

For this set of surplus photos from the purple gauze fundoshi shoot, I decided to take it down a bit. The photos were originally presented here and here. If you don't want to navigate the pages, below is a reminder.
The first step I did was to actually change the tones of the magenta and blue color channels. I did this to get a greater amount of color on the fundoshi before proceeding to the next step I had planned.
 I added a black and white filter and made sure it was at about 35% opacity. I also turned up the blue channel a bit in the black and white filter which left more color in the fundoshi.

This seemed a little off-focus, so I finished by sharpening up the entire photo.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Fundoshi Rehash 45 - Black Lawn Take 2

For this rehash of the black voile fundoshi, I decided to go black and white. The original photos can be found here. If you recall, the last few sessions were about trying to be faithful to the image as it occurred live. For this black and white take on some of the unused photos, I decided to keep the feel the point of absurdity!
Here is what the photos looked like from the last shoot. The first thing I did was update the photos to black and white. I got to the below look by adjusting the green channel about 50% higher than the red and blue channels. 
I still wanted this a bit brighter with more blow-out, so then I simply reduced the contrast. This did remove some detail, so I also sharpened it up a bit with a filter called - you guessed it - edge sharpen!
 As you look through these, you may wonder on why the sheerness of the black lawn is different from photo to photos. This is actually a function of how far from my body the material is. 
 In the above shot, I held the material at arm's length distance. Bringing the material closer results in the below shot.
 And the shot below shows how the fabric photographs with it being at various positions relative to my body.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Burgundy Gauze Fundoshi - Up Close and Personal

Did you get what I just did there?  For this 'no design, no tricks' shoot of a burgundy fundoshi, I kept the camera in close up mode for the entire shoot.
 As mentioned earlier, I have usually done close up shots only after the fundoshi is on.
 I chose the gauze fabric for this because of its natural texture.
 Having the camera on a tripod does limit the angles I usually get from a hand held close up shoot, but the lighting and results were so much better. I'll just experiment in the future with different heights and angles of the tripod.
