Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fundoshi Rehash 16 - Grey Voile

Fundoshi of voile, how lovely to wear, especially in this sunburst design. These surplus photos come from the shoots that made up the following blogs: Grey Sunburst - A New Fundoshi DesignGrey Sunburst - A New Fundoshi Design - Part Two and Grey Sunburst Fundoshi - Up Close and Personal....
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku

fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
 What happened here?  I know most of these are a bit subtle, but I do like the way the final turned out.   First, I increased the exposure slightly and really turned up the black point. You may be noticing I like this adjustment. I played a little with contrast, saturation and the vibrancy. These I kept very minimal. I upped the mid-tone contrast a bit to show a bit more detail. To increase this even more, I applied an edge sharpen filter. The final effect was then blurring the edge of the entire photo to give focus to the center of the pictures. Hope you enjoy! 
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fundoshi Rehash 13 - Blue Gauze Part 2

Ah - the dots and dashes blue gauze fundoshi originally seen here and here. For the extra photos in part one, I pumped up the brightness and color. Today, I see how to make it a bit of a darker shoot, but retain the vibrancy of the colors.


I started out with the obvious - decrease the exposure and brightness a bit. I increased the blacks, and master contrast as well as turned up the saturation a little. I turned down the highlights so I wouldn't have any white blow-outs in the photos as I continued by playing with the color settings for the blues.  I softened the background, then finally applied a slight fade and a boost. I know that sounds a bit redundant, but it gave me the contrast between the background and foreground I wanted. 

fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fundoshi Rehash 15 - Teal Voile Part 1

For today's fundoshi rehash, I chose extra photos that were previously seen here and here. The original shoot used very dim lighting and a blue gel. For these photos, I wanted to take the whiteness out of the skin tones for a more natural look. 

fundoshi rokushakuk
fundoshi rokushakuk

fundoshi rokushakuk
fundoshi rokushakuk

fundoshi rokushakuk
fundoshi rokushakuk

The first thing I did was adjusted the white balance a bit to take some of the blues out. I dropped the exposure a little, darkening the image. I played darkened the black as well, played with the master contrast a bit as well as the contrast in the mid-tones. I adjusted the master levels a bit, trying to get a more natural look to the colors. I ended it with a little edge sharpening to help define everything.

fundoshi rokushakuk
fundoshi rokushakuk
fundoshi rokushakuk
fundoshi rokushakuk


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fundoshi Rehash 14 - Khaki Cheesecloth Part 1

For today, I visit the surplus photos from the shoot I originally showed here and here. I know I have rehashed other cheesecloth shoots, but they are some of my favorite fundoshi, so why not? 
Here is the  original.
  fundoshi rokushaku
Here is the original. For this rehash set of photos, I only had 1 step. There is an effect in Aperture called 'Color Process 1' and that is what I applied. I liked it, so here it is. Lucky for me there was a single command for this. It actually changed about 11 different settings to achieve the look. 
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
fundoshi rokushaku
