This how I originally dealt with the photos that have been highlighted here and here. Since that take on the red batiste fundoshi was quite light, for this 'rehash' of extra photos, I went a little dark and moody. If you are new to the blog, I usually have a bunch of surplus photos from a shoot, so after my initial processing, I take a bit of time, then come back to the photos I didn't use and try to do something different to them. I have learned heaps about the filters in my post-processing editor this way.
For a reminder, this photo to the left is how it came out of the camera. The first thing I did for this rehash was to add a little coolness to the photo, changing the white balance a bit to the bluer side. I also decreased the exposure and increased the blacks a bit.

Next up was a bit of contrast manipulation and I turned down the color saturation a little. Then I played with the shadows a bit and adjusted the photo's highlights.

I ended by using a filter I recently discovered called 'polarize' and I'm not quite sure how to explain the affect it has, but I like it!
...more... up on fundoshi fabric and photos - a rehash on the orange gauze 'plain' fundoshi that was tied ike a jock strap....
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