Saturday, July 20, 2013

The lime green fundoshi is here......

I have my newly laundered material ready for tearing. Just as I showed in my last blog, I made a starter cut into the fabric and created a 14 inch strip of the lime green crinkle gauze.  I purchased 3 yards, so that should do the trick. After being laundered the material is a little softer than it was in the store. It will continue to get softer as it is laundered more.  

Here are the 3 fabrics I purchased....
lavender and green crinkle gauze and dark green cheesecloth - notice how thin the cheesecloth is...
For this shoot, I decided to focus on the fundoshi, and tried my hand at some close-ups. As I was working, I noticed a shadow being projected against the closet doors, and started to play with that. When my white backdrop arrives, I’ll have to do more experimenting with projected shadows.

Lime green has arrived. I experimented a little with the knot in the back and came up with a rather complicated structure. I like it aesthetically, but getting out of it to go to the bathroom was a bit of a chore. For daily use, I will stick with a simpler knot.

Still waiting on my online order. This week is a ‘crinkle gauze’ which has a little more body than a standard gauze. It is slightly thicker, though I’m not taking calipers out to measure!

I was trying to concentrate of some close-ups, then got side-tracked with cast shadows.

After the break, the photos......



  1. i like what you are doing with the shadows and the nice way you have a little triangular design at the back of your tied up fundoshi.

  2. I havenʻt used that knot in a while and tried to duplicate it the other took a few attempts. I should diagram it one day.....

    1. indeed you should, it looks rather interesting. was having a hard time trying to figure it out from the pic.
