Sunday, February 21, 2016

Fundoshi Rehash 27 - Black Spooky Fabric

The spooky fabric fundoshi is back, this time in black. There were enough extra photos for me to see if there was anything I could do to make the photos look a bit different. You can see the original black spooky fabric photos here and here

As you can see here, the shoot was quite dark, so my first step was to lighten it up a bit by increasing the exposure. This helped, but the images were a bit soft for my liking. 
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku

I then turned up the definition and saturation a bit, and that helped. The final adjustment was to sharpen the edges, and this got the photos right where I wanted them.

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fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku


fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
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fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku
fundhosi rokushaku


  1. Another great set! I like the lace-y permeability of the spooky black fabric.

    1. Thanks Ryan! While the lace-like aspect of this fabric makes for intriguing photos, the thicker threads making up the warp and woof of the material can really cut into the more ʻdelicateʻ parts of the body. I do not recommend using this for everyday wear...unless you like to have waffle-like patterns in your sensitive areas....then go for it!
